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Odor Control > Chemicals > Odor Control Chemicals

Odorzorb 427
OdorZorb 427 contains simple sugar molecules which resemble a honeycomb or a zeolite molecule. Due to its unoccupied space, it can absorb many times its own weight in odorous molecules. It also contains amino hydroxyl groups which ionize sulfides and thiol Radicals to form hydroxyl sulfides. The hydroxyl sulfides are converted in the presence of oxygen to amino sulfate.

The sulfate group then separates ionically into a sulfate ion and another amino group which is free to react with another sulfide or mercaptan. Thus, a small amount of OdorZorb 427 can impact large amounts of sulfides and mercaptans. OdorZorb 427 also contains a proprietary acid which reacts with ammonia and amines to convert them to harmless salts.

OdorZorb 427 contains oxygenated terpenes which participate in ionic reactions and are highly reactive toward many odorous compounds.

In summary, OdorZorb 427 encapsulates, emulsifies, and generates specific reactions with odorous gases such as sulfides, thiols, amines, and ammonia to generate decomposition and re-composition reactions with aromatic structures and other circular hydrocarbons. These reactions continue in a series to release key components as they are no longer needed. These components are then free to function in the same reaction chain with other odorous molecules. These released components are self replicating to some degree. This is what allows substantial dilution of OdorZorb 427 while still producing high impact performance.

Odorzorb 427 has a specific reactions with odorous gases such as:

  • Sulfides
  • Thiols
  • Amines
  • Ammonia to generate decomposition and re-composition reactions with aromatic structures and other circular hydrocarbons
    View MSDS Odorzorb 427

Environmental Benefits
1. Low VOC's, low photochemical reactants, non- toxic, non-flammable, no ingredients listed on California Proposition 65 List, ingredients are biodegradable.
2. Economical to use.

Odorzorb 438

Odorzorb 438 is used as a topical spray for landfills, pump stations, around dumpsters and any place that contains intrusive odors. Odorzorb 438 is designed to be mixed at at ratio of 1:1000 with water. It is highly concentrated and guaranteed to eliminate odors.
View MSDS Ordorzorb 438 PDF

Odorzorb 470

Odorzorb 470 that is used for Aeration (Atomizing) Acrylate odors. For odorous areas, we recommend spraying into the air at at ratio of 1:1000 with water.
View MSDS Odorzorb 470 PDF
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