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Evaporators / SludgeDry

The SludgeDry Systems can help by easily and affordably turning sludge liabilities into assets for major midsize wastewater treatment plants. The SludgeDry dehydrates and sanitizes wastewater solids in an enclosed chamber using indirect thermal technology. The result is clean, light, granular Class A biosolids that are safe and beneficial for agricultural, horticultural, municipal and domestic use....SludgeDry truly puts waste to work!

sludge dry unit

The SludgeDry Process
The SludgeDry system automatically controls the amount of wet biosolids fed from the propietary custom sludge hopper into the dehydration chamber. The wet sludge is then dehydrated in a controlled time/temperature regime to obtain the desired dryness. Initially, maximum heat is applied to raise the mass to the vaporization point of water. The temperature is then monitored and automatically adjusted to achieve the optimum final product.

The SludgeDry system economically produces Class "A" biosolids on a continuous basis with minimal EPA approved contact air emissions.

Model SD - 36 SD - 48 SD - 72 SD - 72E
Capacity/Batch Cu.Yds. 1.25 3.33 9.5 13.7
Production per 24 hrs. *Nominal 6-8 Wet Tons 18-24 Wet Tons -48 Wet Tons 62-75 Wet Tons
Input Solids at Stated Production 14-16% 14-16% 14-16% 14-16%
Dehydrated Solids 90% 90% 90% 90%
Contact Air None None None None
BTU's/ # of Water Removed 1500-1700 1500-1700 1500-1700 1500-1700
Full Load Gas 2 MM BTU 5 MM BTU 7.5 MM BTU 10 MM BTU
Full Load HP 32 60 118 166
Cooling Recycling Water 40 80 140 220
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