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Activated Carbon
Bag Filtration
Biological Treatment
Chemicals (Specialty)
Dissolved Air Flotation
EvapoDry Submergible
Sludge Dry Automated
Membrane Filtration
Microbial Bacteria
Oil/Water Separators
Pressure Filtration

Evaporators & Distillers

Evaporator transfers wastewater from a collection tank and automatically evaporates it in evaporation chamber. All that remains is a condensed residual slurry that can easily be disposed of since most waste streams are 95% - 99% water, not waste.
EvapoDry Submergible Combustion Evaporator
EvapoDry-Main Page
The EvapoDry submergible combustion evaporator is designed to evaporate wastewaters at just 180°F and with just 1200BTU per one pound of evaporated water and remove the settled solids buildup from the evaporator tank bottom. A submerged burner tube fires below the solution level, which achieves 95%+ energy efficiency.
Sludge Dry Automated Batch Sludge Dryer

The SludgeDry system automatically controls the amount of wet biosolids fed from the propietary custom sludge hopper into the dehydration chamber. The wet sludge is then dehydrated in a controlled time/temperature regime to obtain the desired dryness. Initially, maximum heat is applied to raise the mass to the vaporization point of water. The temperature is then monitored and automatically adjusted to acheive the optimum final product.
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