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Activated Carbon
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Dust Collection

Removal of dust, smoke, and fumes from wood working, buffing and polishing, rubber grinding and other workplace applications. Please see the simple graph below to find equipment relevant for the type of particulate you wish to remove from your air stream. Equipment used for particle removal graph

Industrial Bin Vent
Industrial Bin Vent - Heavy duty 11 gauge carbon steel construction. Our units feature a low pressure drop construction resulting in lower energy consumption. Systems come equipped with high tech pulsejet cleaning system including supersonic nozzles for efficient and effective cleaning. Shape and size can be customized to fit your specific needs.
bin vent
Cartridge Filter Dust Collectors
Cartridge Filter Dust Collector - Efficient and effective cleaning with wide cartridge spacing and verical cleaning method reduces re-entrainment of dust by 75% and extends the life of your filters for an effective cleaning application. The cartridge filter dust collector features a diaphragm valve with a slip fit over the extended blowpipe for ease of removal. Custom designs available to suit your application.
cartridge filter
Compact Bag Filter
Compact Bag Filter - Low profile, small foot print, ideal for indoor installation. Cleaning jets are engineered to have optimum reverse pressure and flow characteristics. This jet design reduces the main cause of bag wear and dust penetration, the re-entrainment of dust from bags in the cleaning mode to bags in the filtering mode.
Compact Bag Filter
Dust Control Booths
Dust Control Booths - The dust control booths feature a double duty cone evase which shapes the jet for uniform cleaning velocity and reduces pressure drop across the filters. Systems use twin powered supersonic nozzles, which provide great cleaning power. The vertical pulse pipes provide automatic draining of condensed oil/water in the compressed air supply.
dust booth
Dust Cyclone
Dust Cyclone - These dust collector and separators are among the most efficient and cost-effective dust collectors available. The Cyclones are offered from capasities of 800 CFM to 13,000 CFM and efficiently remove moderate to large size particles from the airstream.
Dust Cyclone
Fabric Filter Dust Collectors
Fabric Filter Dust Collector - Custom built systems for any application. You have a choice of hopper shape and unit configuration along with many other options. Units offer double spacing on every other row of bags to minimize potential bridging from irregular dusts such as food, cellulose and other dust that clumps together.
fabric filter
Fibrous Material Collector
Fibrous Material Collector - Units come equipped with PLC control packages for fully automated, reliable operation. Our systems also feature automatic off-line cleaning, which collects fibers and permits cleaning of light bulk density materials while off-line.
fiber filter
Fume Capture Arms
Fume Capture Arms - The FlexAir source capture hood can be easily adapted to an existing exhaust fan or central filtration system to be ready for use on your operation. With optional extention booms, our unit offers a wide range of movement to suit your application.
capture arm
Portable Dust Collector
Portable Dust Collector - Offers high particulate efficiencies with the convenience of portability. With the 10 foot articulated pick up arm, this unit can be moved as the workflow dictates. These units are designed for industrial applications for the removal of smoke, dust and other airborne comtaminants.

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