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Bio-Clear / Package Sewer Treatment Sysetms

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The Bio-Clear system typically consists of a Flow Equalization Tank, a Sludge Holding Tank, an Aeration Tank, and a Clarifier.  For a higher quality effluent, we offer a system of pressurized multimedia vessels designed to filter the treated wastewater.  We often custom design systems to meet our customer’s needs, but the configurations always adhere to the "Ten State Standards." These standards originated in the 1960's in the United States and are still in effect today. They encompass everything from the design criteria and tank dimensions to the quality of the effluent water and everything in between. The Bio-Clear system is designed to meet and exceed these standards.

There are two elements that separate the Bio-Clear from other package treatment systems. First is the High-Rate Multi-Media Tertiary Filters. These filters automatically backwash themselves and produce results that cannot be met by competing gravity sand filtration systems. Second, we only use the highest quality components in every Bio Clear model. Our blower and pump suppliers are world renowned as the best, offering the longest warranties available on their components.

The Bio-Clear system far exceeds the expectations of local environmental departments all over the globe. The goal of this system design is to produce the cleanest water possible without resorting to more expensive membrane technology. The treated water can then be discharged to ponds, streams, leach fields or be used for irrigation. The Bio-Clear design is guaranteed to produce the cleanest effluent short of using membranes. 

Our concern for the future of the environment has led us to design a turn-key solution for wastewater treatment and reclamation, and offer it at an affordable price. We encourage you to contact Ecologix Environmental Systems for more information on our systems and equipment that are revolutionizing the treatment, filtration and reuse of industrial and municipal wastewater.


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