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Oil Water Separators > Clarifier/Separator Combination

Features & Benefits

  • Low maintenance cost
  • Longer on line operation minimizing down time required for maintenance
  • Non-plugging coalescing plates
  • 99.9% removal of free and dispersed oil 40 micron or greater
  • Adjustable inclined plates
  • No chemicals, absorbent or filter cartridges to remove, replace or dispose of
  • High efficiency
  • Solids storage
  • High solids concentration

The CS Model is a special purpose prefabricated inclined plate clarifier and parallel corrugated plate gravity displacement type oil/solids/water separators designed to remove free and dispersed non-emulsifed oil and suspended solids in heavy solids applications such as in trucks and heavy equipment pre-wash operations.

Inlet Compartment

The inlet chamber is comprised of a non-clog diffuser pipe to distribute the flow across the width of the CS chamber. The inlet compartment is made of sufficient volume to effectively reduce influent suspended solids, dissipate energy and begin separation. The inclined plates is elevated on top of the sludge chamber. As the water moves upwards the suspended particles have their upwards velocity interrupted by the inclined plates. These particles drop down and slide down the inclined plates and join larger previously settled particles in the sludge hopper. A sludge compartment is provided to retain sellable solids.

Separation Chamber

The separation chamber contains HD Q-PAC Coalescing Plates containing a minimum of 132 square feet per cubic foot of effective coalescing area. The plates elements shall be at 90 degrees to the horizontal or longitudinal axis of the separator. Spacing between these elements shall be spaced 3/16" apart for the removal of a minimum of 99.9% of free droplets of oil 40 micron in size or greater. The elements are positioned to create an angle of repose of 90 degrees to facilitate the removal of suspended solids that may tend to build up on the coalescing surface, which would increase velocities to the point of discharging an unacceptable effluent.
The Laminar flow with a Reynolds Number of less than 500 at a maximum design flow rate is maintained throughout the separator packed bed including entrance and exit so as to prevent re-entrainment of oils with water. Flow through the polypropylene coalescing plates is a crossflow perpendicular to the vertical plate elements such that all square feet/cubic foot of coalescing area is available for contact with rising oil. The plates shall have a minimum of 87% void volume to facilitate removal of oil and dirt particles.

An oil retention & underflow weir, and adjustable overflow weir is provided in the separation chamber. The underflow weir is positioned to prevent resuspension of settled solids.

Oil Skimmer
The clarifier compartment and the oil separation compartment is provided with an adjustable rotatable pipe skimmer for gravity decanting of the separated oil to a product storage tank.

Clean Water Chamber
The separator is provided with a clear water chamber which allows for gravity or pumped flow through the clean water port.

The separator is provided with a vapor tight cover that can easily be removed for service and maintenance.

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