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Microbial Bacteria for Ponds & Lakes


For most applications in ponds and lakes the customer simply throws the packets around the perimeter of the pond (4-6 feet out) at a rate of 4 pounds per surface acre every other week or so. If starting mid season, they may want to use an inital dose of 8-10 pounds per surface acre, then start the maintenance doses two weeks later.

We offer a variety of products for treating larger ponds & lakes, such as those found in parks, golf courses, subdivisions, business offices, aquaculture and farm ponds.

Barley Straw Formula: This 2-in-1 formulation combines the benefits of using both barley straw and pond bacteria. This formulation contains beneficial pond bacteria and a pulverized barlwy straw powder, eliminating the need for unsightly barley bales.

Dissolvable Formula: This dissolvable formulation provides beneficial pond bacteria, in a "no-mess" powder. This no-mess formulation is ideal for koi ponds, water garden ponds, aquariums and aquaculture applications. It dissolves without leaving behind bran particles, which may cause murkey water or clogged filters.

Pond Bacteria: 
This formulation is a blend of naturally occuring pond bacteria, available as a bulk powder, or packaged in pre-measured 8 oz water soluble packets and 3 oz dissolvable blocks.  These formulations will reduce toxic ammonia & nitrite as well as problem-causing nitrate & phosphate. Plus, it will eliminate fish wastes, excess aquaculture feed, decaying plant material and other organic wastes that accumulate as bottom-sludge or cause murky water.

Concentrated Blue Lake Colorant:  This formulation helps to filter out sunlight and create a more aesthetically pleasing appearance to the pond water, by offering a “natural blue” look.  It will not stain birds, fish or plants when applied at the recommended rates.  Each concentrated quart treats one surface acre of water, up to 4-8 feet deep (over 2 million gallons).

5-in-1 Powder Water Conditioner: This formulation is an all-natural product. It acts as a flocculant to settle out mud & clay particles, and will naturally bind problem-causing phosphate, so is a perfect replacement for aluminum sulfate (alum).  Plus it reduces ammonia, buffers the pH of the pond water and provides 70 trace minerals that support the growth of the beneficial pond bacteria.

Oxygen Based Rock Cleaner: This formulation quickly and effectively cleans rocks, waterfalls, birdbaths and similar areas.


  • Reduces Problem-Causing Ammonia, Nitrate and Phosphate: This formulation will eliminate toxic ammonia and nitrate, aswell as problem causing nitrate and phosphate from pond and lake water.
  • Eliminates Bottom Sludge: This formulation comprehensively removes organic bottom-sludge (muck) caused from fish wastes, excess fish food, decaying plants, grass clippings, leaves, etc.
  • Water Clarity: This formulation non-chemically (biologically) removes suspended organic waste particles that create murkey water. As the organic wastes are removed, the water clarity can drastically increase (from virtually no clarity, up to six feet or more depth of clarity).
  • Odor Control: As this formulation attacks organic wastes, it simultaneously eliminates the odors associated with those decaying wastes.
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