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DAF Systems > D-Series DAF Systems

Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) is a water treatment process that clarifies wastewater through the removal of suspended matter such as oil, greases or solids. Removal is achieved by dissolving air in the water or wastewater under pressure and then releasing the air at atmospheric pressure in a flotation tank or basin. The released air forms tiny bubbles which adhere to the suspended matter causing the suspended matter to float to the surface of the water where it may then be removed by a skimming device. We provide systems to meet the needs of a variety of industries requiring the removal of effluents from their wastewater system. DAF is a highly efficient method for removal of turbidity, color, suspended solids and other contaminants from water. It has become widely accepted for use in potable water treatment, municipal wastewater as well as a variety of industrial applications.

Ecologix D-Series DAF systems provide Physical / Chemical Wastewater Treatment Systems to all industries and industrial customers. We guarantee to meet or exceed your discharge limits with our traditional rectangualr or circular designed Dissolved Air Flotation Systems. All systems provide water reuse without further filtration or treatment.

The entire system is pre-wired, pre-plumbed and skid mounted. Prior to shipment, every system is fully assembled and test-run in our factory. All components including holding tanks, polymer tanks, pumps, valves, flocculation, catwalk, stairs and critical spares are included on the skid. We install the complete system in a matter of hours using our own installers. All the customer needs to provide is power to the control panel, influent piping to the sewer and a small factory air supply. All systems provide water reuse without further filtration or treatment. The customer's product mix and testing determine the actual water reuse potential. Typical uses for reuse water include: flume water, coop washing, truck washing and parking lot washing. We guarantee that you will use less chemistry than any competitive system. We do this by designing the physical equipment and the chemical program to work together as a complete system. Efficient mixing and rising characteristics of the physical system allow optimum chemical performance. A properly designed and operated DAF aeration/recycle system will generate bubbles that are so small that they are invisible, and turn the water in a flotation clearifier an intense white. These bubbles will remain suspended in the water for several minutes, providing sufficient time for the bubbles to contact contaminates and float them to the top for skimming. Concurrent skimming allows the float to age and become more dense, reducing rendering as well as disposal and land application costs.

top view
White Foaming Bubbles
Close View of Bubbles

Click for Large Internal View - Front

daf internal image

Click for Large Internal View - Rear

Model Process Capacity (nominal) Maximum Surface Area
D-310 30 GPM 24 sq. ft.
D-412 65 GPM 32 sq. ft.
D-618 125 GPM 72 sq. ft.
D-624 150 GPM 108 sq. ft.
D-630 250 GPM 144 sq. ft.
D-824 250 GPM 140 sq. ft.
D-830 350 GPM 188 sq. ft.
D-1030 450 GPM 240 sq. ft.
D-1036 600 GPM 300 sq. ft.
D-1060 1,050 GPM 540 sq. ft.
D-1236 750 GPM 360 sq. ft.
D-1248 1,050 GPM 504 sq. ft.
D-1260 1,400 GPM 630 sq. ft.
DAF System


The D-Series DAF technology is the most effective and reliable in the industry. Our aeration technology and clarifier design maximizes the removal of TSS, BOD and FOG in all industrial wastewater streams.


  • Will meet or exceed discharge limits
  • Low installation cost
  • Skid mounted, pre-wired and pre-plumbed
  • Water reuse without further treatment
  • State of the art Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)
  • Removes heavy metals, phosphorus, BOD and FOG
  • DAF tank, skid, metal piping, catwalk frame contructed from 304L stainless steel
  • Catwalk grating constructed of galvanized steel
  • Most effective aeration/recycle design available
  • Small units for <100 gpm, small footprint

Cost Effective

  • Reduction in wastewater surcharges and further treatment expense
  • Better energy efficiency - pysical separation vs. biological treatment
  • Recovery of useful and marketable by-products
  • Reduction in chemical usage - smaller more abundant bubbles float a finer floc


  • Most effective aeration/recycle design available
  • Compact clarifier and aeration unit designs - surface loadings up to 4 gpm/sq.ft. surface area
  • Rectangular and circular DAF clarifiers standard, with special designs and options readily available
  • Rugged proven designs, that are easily understood, operated and maintained
  • Stainless steel and non-metalic construction for the lowest cost of ownership
  • Specifically manufactured PLC based control and chemical feed systems for the D-Series


  • Proven superior removal of FOG, TSS, BOD and other organic contaminates from wastewater
  • Improved sludge density - float is naturally thickened and aged on the surface
  • Quicker startup - system can often be operational the day that equipment is delivered
  • Temporary installation can be operated while existing equipment is being removed
small unit image
Small units for flow rates less than 100 gpm available....

Most common industries served by Ecologix DAF Systems

  • Beef Rendering & Further Processing
  • Beef Processing
  • Dairy
  • Electrocoating
  • Ground Water Remediation
  • Industrial Laundry
  • Ink & Dye Removal
  • Linen Supply
  • Pulp and Paper
  • Meat Packing
  • Mining
  • OSB Production
  • Petrochemical
  • Pork Processing
  • Poultry Further Processing
  • Poultry Processing
  • Powder Coating
  • Tailings Pile Runoff
  • Tanker Deballasting
  • Textile Printing and Finishing
  • Textile Rental
  • Uniform Services
  • Uranium Removal
  • Waste Acid Processing
  • Waste Chemical Processing
  • Food Processing
  • Heavy Metal Removal
top skimmer
Foam on the surface of the water


Removes all common metals to less than 1ppm and into the parts per billion (ppb) level count in a continuous flow process at flow rates up to and over 1,000 GPM. Oils, grease and other contaminants are removed in the same step. Because the CRM operates in a continuous process, you can run the rest of your plant without worrying about overloading the waste treatment system.


The D series DAF system for the Poultry Processing Industry treats every type of waste stream created by eviscerating, further processing and cleaning. The system operates in a continuous process using minimal amounts of chemistry in a self-contained, skid-mounted unit that uses little floor space and requires minimal operator intervention. The powerful microscopic bubbles float solids to the surface as shown to the right.

The Application
Ecologix supplies wastewater treatment systems to both poultry kill plants and further processing plants. Poultry processing creates different types of waste streams depending on the type of plant and its products.

Kill Plants
Plants that process chickens or turkeys and ice pack whole birds for shipping typically run two shifts which produce two distinct types of waste.
(System Design - Typical for Poultry Processing).PDF

First Shift (slaughter)
Dirt, grit from craws feathers, blood and feces from the eviscerating lines make up the waste stream. Turkey plants produce heavier loadings of dirt and grit.

Second Shift (cleaning)
This is the more difficult of the two streams being made up of blood and dirt combined with high pH cleaners. The timing of the waste flows is difficult as well. Chillers and scolders are usually dumped within an hour of one another. Systems must be sized to accommodate the surges especially in plants with contracted cleaning services where the contractor is under time restrictions and pushes the waste treatment system to its limit.

Further Processing
Whether combined with kill operations or a separate plant, further processing introduces a wide range of contaminants beyond those found in the birds themselves. Cooking produces large volumes of fat, oils and greases from the birds and from frying operations. Ingredients such as breading, seasoning, marinade, flour, starch and sugar complicate the waste treatment process. Flour and sugar, for example, quickly become dissolved making it extremely difficult to remove. Cleaning introduces high pH cleaners from boil-out steps and other cleaning operations.

The Challenge
The challenge is to design a waste treatment system that can handle the wide fluctuations in waste streams from shift to shift. Designing a good system requires an in-depth knowledge of the poultry industry and a specific understanding of each customer's operations. The system must be sized to accommodate the volume and timing of various flows. It must also easily adapt to changing waste conditions without putting unreasonable demands on the operators. Finally, a waste treatment system must be cost effective. It cannot use up vast tracts of valuable floor space nor can it use large quantities of chemicals. It must absolutely keep the customer in compliance with the POTW's discharge limits.


Our DAF systems apply to both Industrial Laundry operations and Textile Rental companies operating their own washing plants.

The Application
Textile Rental Companies and Industrial Laundry Operations wash a wide variety of products from napkins and table linens to shop rags and floor mats. These different wash products produce different types of waste streams that can vary from batch to batch.

Discharge limits imposed on laundries are becoming ever more stringent. Lower limits are forcing plant managers to upgrade existing waste treatment systems or install new systems where none were needed in the past.

Depending on the product mix in the washroom, the time of day, the season or other factors, the nature of the waste stream sent to the waste treatment system can fluctuate widely. Traditional waste treatment methods rely on large equalization tanks and long dwell times to archive proper treatment conditions. These systems use large quantities of chemicals and take up vast amounts of valuable floor space. On top of the waste treatment challenges, water supplies are dwindling and the cost of clean incoming plant water is becoming significant.

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