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Manganese Greensand

Manganese Greensand is formulated from a glauconite greensand which is capable of removing iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide from water through oxidation and filtration. Soluble iron and manganese are oxidized and precipitated by contact with higher oxides of manganese on the greensand granules. The hydrogen sulfide is eliminated by oxidation to sulfate and an insoluble precipitate. Precipitates are then filtered and removed by backwashing. When the oxidizing capacity power of the Manganese Greensand bed is exhausted, the bed has to be regenerated with a weak potassium permanganate (KMnO4) solution thus restoring the oxidation capacity of the bed.

Two to four ounces of potassium permanganate, in solution, / cu ft. of Manganese Greensand is sufficient for normal degeneration. It is advisable to vigorously backwash and regenerate the bed when it is placed in service and before its oxidation capacity is totally exhausted. To operate the bed after its oxidation capacity is exhausted may reduce its service life.
Capacity/cu. ft:
Iron Alone 550 gr. (10,000 gal. of water containing 1 ppm iron/cu. ft.)
Iron and Manganese 400 gr. (7,000 gal. of water containing 1/2 ppm iron and 1/2 ppm manganese/cu. ft.)
Hydrogen Sulfate 175 gr. (3,000 gal. water containing 1 ppm hydrogen sulfide/cu. ft.)

Physical Properties:
Color Black
Density 85 lbs./cu. ft.
Effective Size 0.30 - 0.35 mm
Uniformity Coefficient 1.6
Mesh Size 16 - 60
Attrition Loss Per Year 2%

Conditions For Operation:
Raw Water pH 6.2 - 8.8
Bed Depth 30 in.
Freeboard 35 - 50%
Service Flow Rate 5 gpm/sq. ft., 8 - 10 gpm/sq. ft. intermittent flow possible
Backwash Flow Rate 8 - 12 gpm/sq. ft.
Max. Temperature Raw Water 800F (26.70C)
Max. Practical Limit if Iron or Manganese in Raw water 15 ppm
Max. Practical Limit of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) 5 ppm
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