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Bio-Clear Treatment Systems / Bio-Clear Wastewater Treatment Plant / Bio-Clear FBBR (Fixed Bed Bio-Reactor)

Bio-Clear FBBR fully biological compact wastewater treatment plants in an ISO container
The Ecologix FBBR (Fixed Bed Bio-Reactor) "containerized wastewater treatment plant" is a fully pre-assembled biological system for the purification of domestic wastewater or wastewater of similar composition. Any wastewater accruing for example in temporary sanitary facilities on construction sites or self-sufficient worker camps are treated. The connection size and the technical equipment of the plant can be adjusted to the specific needs. Starting with the smallest unit in a 20-foot ISO container for approximately 30 workers to several 40-foot ISO containers for up to 1,000 workers. A multitude of different connection sizes and configurations are available.

The basic concept is the ready-to-operate installation of the plant inside the ISO container, to allow the fastest possible on-site employment. The containers of the compact wastewater treatment plant are manufactured entirely out of weather and wastewater resistant PE plastic. Besides the simple transport of the plant to any place in the world the ISO container also serves to protect the wastewater treatment plant installed above ground against external influences. Therefore, even the most challenging conditions on large-scale building sites do not affect the service life of the plant. This ensures repeated employment.

Special models to meet your requirements
Construction sites are often set up in the most remote places, involving special demands on the equipment. In warm regions, sufficient cooling of the biological plant through an appropriate aeration must be assured, arctic conditions require additional heat insulation measures. Our plants have proven their suitability on almost every continent on earth. However, the regional conditions always exert an influence on the conception of the plant. With the modular design principle, special requirements with regard to environmental conditions can be taken into consideration easily by cleverly choosing the plant components. Special solutions with low space requirements are also possible. Here the entire ISO container is lined with a specific steel structure and PE plates to use the full volume of the container as a wastewater treatment plant. For further treatment of primary and excess sludge an additional 20-foot container can be added as separate treatment stage. The sludge is aerated and stabilized, which reduces the amount of sludge. This saves expenses by enlarging the interval for sludge removal.
unit diagram labeled
Example of a treatment unit for up to 250 workers - Ecologix Bio-Clear BF-20

The Ecologix Bio-Clear FBBR (XL-2 through XL-12

  1. 20' ISO container
  2. Inlet
  3. Aeration
  4. Fixed-bed chamber
  5. Final settling chamber
  6. Sludge recirculation pump
  7. Side-channel compressor for the aeration

Besides the simple transport of the plant to any place in the world, the ISO container also serves to protect the wastewater treatment plant installed above ground against external influences. Therefore, even the most challenging conditions on large-scale building sites do not affect the service of the plant.

iso on truck
iso xl2

The Ecologix Bio-Clear FBBR XL2-12

  1. 40' ISO container
  2. Supply line from pumping station
  3. Preliminary clarification
  4. Balancing tank
  5. 1st fixed-bed chamber
  6. 2nd fixed-bed chamber
  7. Final Clarification
  8. Outlet
  9. Side-channel compressor for the aeration of the fixed bed
BOD table
iso xl2 diagram
Purification Efficiency
The wastewater treatment plant container is designed in accordance with DIN 4261 T2, DIN EN 12566-3 or ATV A122, depending on the connection size. With an appropriate dimensioning of the air supply and recirculation, additional nitrification and de-nitrification of the wastewater is possible. The legally stipulated discharge values are met. The operating values of the Bio-Clear FBBR clearly lie below the required limit values. The mean efficiency of the fixed-bed process, for example, is found to be 95.6% for BOD5 and 95.3% for NH4-N.
Maximum Connection Size
Plant Model Purification - Carbon Degradation Purification - Nitrification & De-nitrification
Bio-Clear XL2 160 Workers 110 Workers
Bio-Clear XL4 320 Workers 220 Workers
Bio-Clear XL6 480 Workers 330 Workers
Bio-Clear XL8 640 Workers 440 Workers
Bio-Clear XL10 800 Workers 550 Workers
Bio-Clear XL12 960 Workers 660 Workers
3 tank unit
Bio-Clear FBBR Combi XL-2

Bio-Clear FBBR XL-2 through XL-12
Settlements in outlying areas, hotel complexes, resorts, camps and business parks often require plants which exceed 80 people or workers. We also offer clean solutions for these requirements; Connection sizes of up to 960 people may be achieved through modular construction. For this purpose, several fixed-bed modules are operated parallel. The base model consists of two fixed-bed tanks with a connected final clarification tank. The 2-stage configuration of the fixed-bed achieves a particularly good purification efficiency. Central preliminary clarification and an equalization tank are connected ahead of the system for a preliminary screening and homogenization of the wastewater.

The Ecologix Bio-Clear FBBR Combo XL-2 and XL-4 systems (2 x Combo XL-2) the purification stages are also available as a plastic composite construction (PE). Ecologix will provide calculations and drawings for the construction of the preliminary screening stages.

In the case of seasonal variations, individual modules may be deactivated without impairing the operational stability of the entire plant. Wastewater-related equipments are fully pre-assembled by the manufacturer so that on-site installation works may be reduced to a minimum.

Consolidation of the individual control devices in a central control unit with the possibility of remote monitoring represents a further option which also extends the field of application of our Bio-Clear Combo XL-2 plant and keeps operational efforts as low as possible.

Plant Model Minimum Volume Gallons
1st Preclarification 2nd Preclarification Equalization Tank
4,488 2,112 3,696
Nitrification /
301.6 + 71.28 1531.2 + 79.2 8880.96
8,712 4,488 7,392
Nitrification /
1,472 2,904 5,016
12,936 6,600 11,088
Nitrification /
8,976 4,488 7,656
17,242 8,712 14,784
Nitrification /
11,880 1,472 10,296
21,912 10,824 18,480
Nitrification /
15,048 7,392 12,672
26,136 12,936 22,176
Nitrification /
17,952 8,976 15,312
combi xl6
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