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Specialty Chemicals / Coagulants & Flocculants

Coagulants and flocculant's are formulated to assist in the solids/liquid separation of suspended particles in solution. Such particles are characteristically very small and the suspended stability of such particles (colloidal complex) is due to both their small size and to the electrical charge between particles. Conditioning a solution to promote the removal of suspended particles requires chemical coagulation and/or flocculation.

Coagulants neutralize the repulsive electrical charges (typically negative) surrounding particles allowing them to "stick together" creating clumps or flocs. Flocculants facilitate the agglomeration or aggregation of the coagulated particles to form larger floccules and thereby hasten gravitational settling. Some coagulants serve a dual purpose of both coagulation and flocculation in that they create large flocs that readily settle.
About Coagulation & Flocculation.PDF / Jar Test.PDF / Jar Test for Flocculants & Coagulants.PDF

Wastewater is generated, usually from rinsing or cleaning manufactured products. For non-metal bearing waters these include TSS (total suspended solids), BOD (biological oxygen demand), COD (chemical oxygen demand), pH, etc. For wastewater containing metals (either in solution or insoluble) certain metals limits must be met, along with all the other parameters. This is usually accomplished using pH adjustment, along with a coagulant (aluminum based or iron based). A coagulant is required to help give body to the water. Typically you have a colloidal suspension that requires help in getting the particles to come together and form a larger particle. A coagulant will help neutralize similarly charged particles, allowing them to form small to mid-size particles (sometimes called a pin-floc). This usually occurs in a pH environment between 6-9. Once the pin-floc has formed, a second chemical called a flocculent is required to make even larger particles. Addition of a flocculent occurs at a pH of between 8-10 (depending on the characteristics of the wastewater). Flocculent is added and acts as a net where it gathers up the smaller coagulated particles making a larger particle. This larger particle will slowly drop to the bottom of the container (vessel), forming a sludge.

Many wastewater streams contain metals from the manufacturing processes. These metals can either be insoluble or soluble. Insoluble means that there are actual small particles floating in the water that are too light to settle out without aid. Soluble means that the metals have gone into solution and are actually part of the water. Many times, using hydroxide precipitation, along with the aid of a coagulant most of these metals can be separated from the water. (copper is most insoluble at a pH of 8, nickel is most insoluble at a pH or 10.2, etc.)

Many cleaners contain chelators. These chelators have strong cleaning abilities (citric acid, edta, phosphates,etc). The chelators in the water combine with the metals in the water to form a very strong bond that in many instances cannot be broken with pH adjustment. An additional chemical must be added to cleave the metal/ chelator bond. These products are called precipitants. Precipitants have a stronger attraction to the metal than the chelator, therefore they form a bond and can be separated from the water (i.e.; copper will form copper carbonate when poly thio carbonate is added). Coagulants are required to help these particles combine, along with a flocculent. Typically the precipitant and coagulant can be added at the same pH range of 6-9. The pH needs to be between 8-10 for final flocculation.
COAGULANTS: Create larger particles by neutralizing electrical charges surrounding small particles in solution.
CIAS A liquid inorganic coagulant (Aluminum sulfate) with a cationic charge. It is formulated to promote the coagulation of precipitated particles and assist in their rapid settling during wastewater treatment. CIAS is used as a coagulant for water clarification, wastewater treatment and related applications in water and wastewater treatment programs.
CIFCB Liquid coagulant with a cationic charge. This product is excellent for breaking emulsions formed with oils, inks, surfactants, etc. It is easy to handle and feed, economical to use, effective at low dosages, and performs well over a wide pH range. It also precipitates phosphates from wastewater streams. Uses - This product is excellent for breaking emulsions formed with oils, inks, surfactants, etc. It is easy to handle and feed, economical to use, effective at low dosages, and performs well over a wide pH range. It also precipitates phosphates from wastewater streams.
CIFSB A Ferric sulfate based liquid coagulant with a cationic charge. It is a blended coagulant formulated with an inorganic polymer and cationic polymer. Uses - Excellent at breaking emulsions formed with oils, inks, surfactants, etc.
CIACH An inorganic polymer (Aluminum Chloro Hydrate) formulated for use as a coagulant. CIACH has been very successful in the replacement of alum, ferric chloride, ferric sulfate and other inorganic salts, as well as organic polymers. The floc formed by CIACH is characterized as being small, dense particles and very sheer resistant. Using CIACH results in a reduction of overall treatment costs by lowering or eliminating the need for alkali and flocculent aids, reducing residual generation, handling and disposal costs, extending filter runs and water production and reducing chemical handling and storage requirements. (MSDS - CIACH)
CIOB-5 A blended coagulant (Aluminum Chloro Hydrate) formulated with an inorganic polymer and organic cationic polymer (Amine). Blend of above product. (MSDS - CIOB-5)
CIASB-1 A liquid inorganic blended coagulant with a cationic charge. It is formulated with an inorganic polymer and cationic polymer (amine). Blend of CIASB. (MSDS - CIASB-1)

A liquid inorganic coagulant blended with organic polymer to accelerate the settling of suspended particles.

COHW-25 A concentrated liquid, organic, highly cationic, high molecular weight polyquaternaryamine.
CO-25 A concentrated liquid, organic, water-soluble, low cationic quaternary ammonium polyelectrolyte.
Aluminum Chloro Hydrate (ACH) and blends, Aluminum Sulfates and blends, iron coagulants and blends ( ferric sulfate, and ferric chloride)
CIACH, CIOB: ACH is typically used in solutions that have a higher pH range (6-9), It produces less sludge than other Aluminum coagulants (aluminum sulfate). Produces significantly less sludge that iron based coagulants. Generally produces medium sized particle.

FLOCCULENTS: Facilitate the settling of suspended solids in solution.
FL-neg A liquid organic acrylamide copolymer with a medium anionic charge.
FL-2 Ionic polyacrylamide (liquid). High molecular weight medium charge flocculant. Used as an all-purpose flocculent particularly effective on inorganic streams. Uses- High molecular weight medium charge flocculant. Used as an all-purpose flocculent particularly effective on in organic streams.
FL-pos Cationic Flocculant (liquid). Medium molecular weight, medium charge used in many biological applications. Uses - Medium molecular weight, medium charge used in many biological applications.

Specialty Chemicals - Specialty chemicals are formulated by Ecologix for special application purposes. They cover a variety of functions.
NF-10 ANTIFOAM Stable, water based silicone defoamer recommended for wastewater treatment applications.
CM-C An inorganic liquid multi-purpose reagent for modifying components in wastewater requiring treatment. CM-C substitutes for heavy metals under chelated conditions to permit their precipitation; acts as a co-precipitant in hydroxide precipitation of zinc and other metals; aids in the clarification and dewatering operations of the treatment process; and deactivates sequestering agents and phosphates in
spent cleaners.
CM-M An inorganic liquid reagent for modifying components in wastewater requiring treatment. CM-M substitutes for the heavy metals in chelated conditions to permit their precipitation, coagulation and flocculation ; demulsifies aqueous based coolants and cutting oils; and neutralizes the dispersing characteristics of surfactants in spent cleaner baths.
CR-20 A liquid stabilized reducing reagent for the reduction of hexavalent chromium (and other high valence metals) to its trivalent state as a preparatory stage to precipitation. CR-20 is also utilized as a reducing reagent for persulfate and permanganate solutions.
CitruClean New Green Solvent. For use in industrial parts cleaning and paint clean-up application. Meets the toughest health, safety and environmental regulations in existence today.

Specialty Chemical Nomenclature
C Coagulant
I Inorganic
O Organic
AS Aluminum Sulfate
CH Chlorohydrate
HW High Weight
FC Ferric Chloride
ACH Aluminum Chlorhydrate
FS Ferric Sulfate
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