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Specialty Chemicals / Metal Precipitants


Ecologix precipitants are expressly formulated to precipitate metal ions from a wide variety of industrial process wastewaters and groundwaters. Such wastewaters frequently contain chelants and other complexing agents that surround the metal ions and prevent the chemical reaction that converts the ions to insoluble particles. Our precipitants chemically "break" such chelating/complexing rings surrounding metal ions thereby subjecting them to precipitating reactions. To learn more about chemical precipitation, click on the above link "about chemical precipitation". Ecologix precipitants, briefly described below, include sulfide, carbamate and polythiocarbonate based products and proprietary blends thereof. Additives are often blended with the basic precipitants to achieve maximum precipitating efficiency and to assist in the solids/liquid separation operations.
Chemical Symbols/Names
Name Symbol Name Symbol Name Symbol
Aluminum Al Cobalt Co Phosphorus P
Antimony Sb Copper Cu Selenium Se
Arsenic As Iron Fe Silicon Si
Beryllium Be Lead Pb Silver Ag
Bismuth Bi Lithium Li Sulfur S
Boron B Magnesium Mg Tellurium Te
Cadmium Cd Manganese Mn Titanium Ti
Calcium Ca Mercury Hg Tin Sn
Carbon C Nickel Ni Zinc Zn
Chromium Cr Niobium Nb Zirconium Zr

POLYTHIOCARBONATE BASED PRECIPITANTS: The following precipitants are formulated with our patented PTR-1 as the precipitating chemistry.
PTR-1 Basic polythiocarbonate organic compound that forms organo-metallic precipitates. PTR-1 Replaces DTC | PTR-1 Detox Stabilization
PTB-5 Blend with allied compounds and coagulant for mixed metals applications. (MSDS PTB-5.PDF)
PTB-6 Blend with inorganic compounds and multiple coagulants for mixed metals applications. (MSDS PTB-6.PDF)
PTB-10 Blend with PTR-1 and DTC. (MSDS PTB-10)
A polythiocarbonate, proprietary formulation designed as a non-toxic precipitant of heavy metals from industrial process wastewaters, including metals from chelated/complexed environments. It is a powerful replacement for commonly used toxic DTC/carbamate-type products. When compared to such products, tests show that PTB-50 has twice the precipitating activity at a similar dosage.
PTB-50 has been formulated to remove heavy metals from industrial process waters including effluents of plating baths, etching solutions, and rinses containing soluble metals. PTB-50 will reduce the concentration of the following metals to acceptable levels within regulatory requirements: AG, AU, CD, CO, CU, FE, HG, MN, NI, PB, and ZN. (MSDS PTB-50.PDF)
PTB-25 A blend of PTB-50.
PTB-36 A blend of PTB-6

SULFIDE BASED PRECIPITANTS: The following precipitants are formulated with sodium sulfide as the precipitating chemistry.
PSB-1 Blend of the basic inorganic compound with complementary coagulant. (MSDS PSB-1.PDF)
PSB-2 Deodorized version of PSB-1 (MSDS PSB-2.PDF)
PSB-11 Blend of PSB-1 with an organic compound to facilitate the precipitation of chelated Metals.
PSOH A low-cost blend to supplement hydroxide precipitation. (very similar to PSB-88)
PSB-6 Blend of basic precipitant with organic and inorganic coagulants.
PSB-7 Blend of basic precipitant with organic coagulants notably to facilitate settling operation.
PSB-8 Basic inorganic precipitant blend to supplement hydroxide precipitation.
(Iron Sulfide)
A liquid fomulation (Polythiocarbonate / Sulfide blend) designed for the reduction of hexavalent chromium and the removal of heavy metals from wastewater in one step and is a key component of an overall heavy metal removal program. Replaces sodium metabisulfite, hydrosulfite and bisulfite. Produces significantly less sludge, requires little or no coagulation (is a self coagulating product) and is user friendly (pourable and pumpable). Is a non-toxic replacement and is environmentally friendly.
USES- PSB-9 has been formulated to reduce hexavalent chromium and remove heavy metals from the effluents of plating baths, etching solutions and rinses containing soluble metals in one step and at a neutral pH. Works best in a pH range from 3-8 and can be used in lower pH conditions. It can reduce the concentration of the following metals to acceptable levels from most waste streams: Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Fe, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ag, Zn, Sn. Dosage: 12 parts PSB-9 part Hex chrome (MSDS PSB-9.PDF)

Whats New
PAS-2 A precipitant formulated of alkali salts that can be used to remove metals in wastewater streams over a wide pH range. The greatest reduction of metals occurs in slightly alkaline wastewater, but the chemistry is designed to eliminate H2S odor even in acid solutions as low as a pH of 3. PAS-2 is a liquid heavy metal removal product, which has a strong affinity for metal ions such as Mercury, Silver, Cadmium, Copper, Lead, Nickel, Zinc, Cobalt II Nickel, Iron and Manganese II. This product is unique in that the structure of the product provides both metal removal as well as some coagulation of the insoluble metal particles. (MSDS PAS-2.PDF)

CARBAMATE BASED PRECIPITANTS: The following precipitants are formulated with sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate (DTC) as the precipitating chemistry.
PDB-Z Blend with coagulant and modifier for co-precipitation action.
PDB-N Blend with specialty reagents for removing heavily chelated nickel. (MSDS PDB-N.PDF)
PDB-C Blend with inorganic compound and catalytic additive. (MSDS PDB-C.PDF)
PDB-SU Blend with inorganic compound and additive to negate surfactant reactions. (MSDS PDB-SU.PDF)
PDB-1 Blend with inorganic and organic coagulants to assist clarification and microfiltration.
PDB-2 PDB-2 is an organic liquid precipitant (sodium dimethyldithio carbamate) formulated for precipitating heavy metals, particularly chelated and complexed ions, in process and other wastewater. The precipitating reaction forms insoluble organometallic compounds with minimal sludge generation. This product contains no disulfides. (MSDS PDB-2.PDF) PDB-2 can be used wherever ionic metals in solution require precipitation and removal. It is particularly effective in breaking chelators and other compounds which complex metallic ions making them resistant to conventional hydroxide precipitation.
PDB-3 Blend of PDB-1 with inorganic compound to assist precipitating tin/lead.
PDB-4 Blend with inorganic compound for effective all around precipitation of multi-metals.
PDB-5 Blend with inorganic compound and a combination of inorganic (2) and organic (2) coagulants.
PDB-23 Blend with inorganic coagulant.
PDB-XP Blend with polythiocarbonate and polymers to aid microfiltration operations.(MSDS PDB-XP)
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