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Odor Control / Windscent Sleeves

Ecologix Neutralizing Granule WindScent Sleeves

Ecologix uses scientific findings of the working of our olfactory system to reduce or eliminate the perception of nuisance odors. With environmentally safe essential oils, Ecologix neutralizes the perception of unpleasant smells without masking, without causing potentially toxic chemical reactions and without the need to handle caustic and volatile chemicals.

Ecologix uses scientific findings of the working of our olfactory system to reduce or eliminate the perception of nuisance odors. With environmentally safe essential oils, Ecologix neutralizes the perception of unpleasant smells without masking, without causing potentially toxic chemical reactions and without the need to handle caustic and volatile chemicals.


Wind Sleeves

Fact about the Wind Scent Sleeves:

  • Fabric WindScent Sleeves are made to hold up to a pound of our odor neutralizing granules, about twice the amount of our WindScent Socks.
  • Each sleeve is 3 feet long by 2.5 inches wide
  • They have a small hole, surrounded by a metal grommet at the top, ready for hanging
  • Occasionally, shake and moisten to intensify the sleeve's odor controlling effectiveness.
  • Constructed with Velcro, sleeves can easily be emptied and refilled from the opening at the top.
  • WindScents are reusable; granules can be changed when odor-controlling properties are depleted.
  • Versatile because different odor neutralizers can be substituted at will.
  • User can control the amount of granules to insert.

Usage Rates:

  • When creating a barrier between a malodor and the public, hang one WindScent Sleeve every 10 feet
  • When you use a WindScent Sleeve to control malodors in a room, use one for every 270 square feet. Hang in front of an air stream.
  • Each WindScent will last up to 90 Days. To intensify the odor controlling properties of a sock during its life, occasionally shake and moisten.
  • Usage may vary with the perceived intensity of the malodor

Various Uses:

  • Hang on fence to create a barrier between the malodors and the public
  • Hang from trees
  • Hang from equipment towers
  • Hang along clarifiers
  • Hang along any perimeter
  • Hang in rooms
  • Hang in front of exhaust side of air vents
  • Hang wherever unwanted odors are perceived



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