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Odor Control /Ozone / OCO Series Generators

Ozone generators elimate odors from pump stations and lift stations. The ultra-violet light bulbs produce sweet smelling ozone which will elimate on contact any odor problem associated with raw sewage, trash hoppers, mold and mildew, animal odor, medical waste, food processing and most any noxious odor that is otherwise hard to eliminate.

OCO Series Ozone Generators - 550, 2700, 4000, 6800
These Ultraviolet UV ozone generators Produce ZERO nitrogen oxides, and the ozone output is unaffected by high humidity (two characteristics not possible with corona discharge ozone generators unless only pure oxygen is used for feed gas).  For Example, with just 50% humidity, this unit will produce as much ozone as a corona discharge ozone generator rated at 6,800 mghr.

Two easy methods to install an OCO Ozone Generator in pump station applications....
The OCO Ozone Generator series are used in a great number of applications to eliminate discusting odors on contact. The OCO Series are primarily and most commonly used to eliminate odors associated with pump stations and lift stations. The illustration to the right depicts two common methods of installing an OCO Ozone Generator for eliminating odor produced by ordinary pump stations.

Note: The OCO series generators must be protected from harsh, wet and/or corrosive environments. The OCO generator will work in humid environments, but not in wet environments where water and moisture is in direct contact with the unit. The unit will rust and corrode if not protected properly. These generators do not include NEMA 4 enclosure and must be installed in a container to protect it from harsh elements.

Configuration (1) on the left shows the ozone generator mounted to the outlet piping on the top of the pump station. This method uses a typical 4" dryer hose to connect the ozone generator to the outlet piping in a "Y" configuration. As the air and odor rise from the pump station, the ozonated air intercepts the venting air and eliminates the odor on contact before it can exit into the atmosphere.

Configuration (2) on the right shows the ozone generator mounted on top of the pump station with the 4" dryer hose being installed directly into the tank of the pump station. This method blows the ozonated air downward, eliminating the odor on contact before it vents through the pump station outlet into the atmosphere.

Because the OCO Series works so well in eliminating any odor on contact, you can be creative in how you mount and install the unit. The generator can be installed in any type of water proof container or box so that it is protected from heat and weather. Below is a testimonial from a very satisfied customer who built a steel box for their installation. The photos show how the unit was installed.

Two easy pump station / lift station installation methods


Specifications for the OCO-550
Generation Method: UV ozone technology. (2 15" U tubes)
UV tube life: 12-15 months
Supply Gas: Ambient Air
Ozone output: 550 mg/hr virually unaffected by humidity (Unit will produce 700 mg/hr for first week.
Control options: On off rocker switch standard on all models.
Dimensions & Weight: 25"L x 5"W x 6.25"H - 7.6 lbs.
Electrical: 120 volt, .7 Amp, 75 Watt, 50/60Hz - 240 volt, .35 Amp, 40 Watt, 50/60Hz
Fan Size: 105 cfm
Construction: Stainless steel inner chassis with a high impact extruded PVC cabinet.

Special Features: The OCO-550 comes equipped with 4" ozone output and fresh air input spouts. The "spouts" will hook up to a drier vent hose or other 4" hose. This feature allows the installer to route clean dry air into the ozone generator or route the ozone to where it is needed.
Maintenance: Under normal 24 hr/day use the OCO-550 ozone generator tube should be cleaned every 6 months using a moist cloth.
Warranty: The OCO-550 is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 6 years from date of purchase. Liability is limited to parts and labor only. Shipping is the sole responsibilty of the customer.
Uses: The OCO-550 is designed for use as a shock treatment tool. Ideal for use in lift stations, garbage compactors, restorations, auto detailing, etc.


OCO-2700 Operating Manual.PDF
Specifications for the OCO-2700
Generation Method: UV ozone technology. (8 15" UV bulbs)
UV Tube life: 12-15 months
Supply Gas: Ambient Air
Ozone output: 2700 mg/hr virtually unaffected by humidity (Unit will produce 3300 mg/hr for first week)
Control Options: On off rocker switch standard on all models, 24 hour 1 shot timer (120 VAC only). (Optional digital 1 second to 24 hr. 1 shot timer, or 7 day - 120/240 VAC)
Dimensions and Weight: 21"L x 9"W x 7 5/8 "H / 20 lbs.
Electrical: 120 volt, 2 Amp, 50/60Hz - 240 volt, 2 Amp, 50/60Hz
Fan Size: 105 cfm
Construction: Stainless Steel chassis

Special Features: The OCO-2700 comes equipped with a 24 hour 1 shot timer, optional is a 1 shot timer that will allow operation from 1 second to 24 hours, or a 7 day timer that allows the generator to turn on at different times on different days of the week. due to the 8 tube design of this model, the output can be adjusted in 8 steps by simply removing UV tubes to reduce the output down to 1/8 of full capacity.

  • * Secondary benefit, any air passed through the ozone generator is "Super Sterilized" by UVC, B, and A.
  • *Also available are non-ozone producing UVC tubes for air steralization. simply remove all 8 ozone producing tubes and replace with 2 UVC tubes.

Maintenance: Under normal 24 hr/day use the OCO-2700 ozone generator tube should be cleaned every 6 months using a moist cloth.
Warranty: The OCO-2700 is warranted against defects and workmanship for a period of 6 years from date of purchase. Liability is limited to parts and lablr only. Shipping is the sole responsibilty of the customer.
Uses: The OCO-2700 is designed for use as a shock treatment tool. Ideal for use in lift stations, garbage compactors, industrial restorations, auto detailing, etc.


OCO-4000 Operating Manual.PDF

Specifications for the OCO-4000

Generation Method: UV ozone technology. (12 15" UV tubes)
UV tube life: 12-15 months.
Supply Gas: Ambient Air
Ozone outut: 4000 mg/hr virtually unaffected by humidity (Unit will produce 5000 mg/hr for first week)
Control options: On off rocker switch standard on all models, 24 hour 1 shot timer (120 VAC only). (optional digital 1 second to 24 hour 1 shot timer, or 7 day timer - 120 and 240 VAC).
Dimensions and Weight: 22"L x 9"W x 7 5/8 "H, 22 lbs.
Electrical: 120 volt, 3 Amp, 50/60Hz - 240 volt, 3 Amp, 50/60Hz
Fan Size: 105 cfm
Construction: Stainless Steel chassis

Special Features: The OCO-4000 comes equipped with a 24 hour 1 spot timer, optional is a 1 shot timer that will allow operation from 1 second to 24 hours, or a 7 day timer that allows the generator to turn on at different times on different days of the week etc. Due to the 12 tube design of this model, the output can be adjusted in 12 steps by simply removing UV tubes to reduce the output down to 1/12 of the full capacity.

  • *Secondary benefit, any air passed though the ozone generator "Super Sterilized" by UVC, B, and A.
  • *Also available are non-ozone producing UVC tubes for air sterilization. Simply remove all 12 ozone producing tubes and replace with 2 UVC tubes.

The OCO-4000 is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 6 years from date of purchase. Liability is limited to parts and labor only. Shipping is the sole responsibility of the customer.
Uses: The OCO-4000 is designed for use as a shock treatment tool. Ideal for lift stations, garbage compactors, industrial restoration, auto detailing, etc.


Specifications for the OCO-6800
Generation Method: UV ozone technology. (12 15" UV tubes)
UV tube life: 12-15 months.
Supply Gas: Ambient Air
Ozone outut: 6800 mg/hr virtually unaffected by humidity (Unit will produce 7500 mg/hr for first week)
Control options: On off rocker switch standard on all models, 2-4-8-12 hour 1 shot timer (120 VAC only). (optional digital 1 second to 24 hour 1 shot timer, or 7 day timer - 120 and 240 VAC).
Dimensions and Weight: 21"L x 9"W x 7 5/8 "H, 23 lbs.
Electrical: 120 volt, 5 Amp, 50/60Hz - 240 volt, 5 Amp, 50/60Hz
Fan Size: 105 cfm
Construction: Stainless Steel chassis

Special Features: The OCO-6800 comes equipped with a 2-4-8-12 hour 1 spot timer, optional is a 1 shot timer that will allow operation from 1 second to 24 hours, or a 7 day timer that allows the generator to turn on at different times on different days of the week etc. Due to the 12 tube design of this model, the output can be adjusted in 6 steps by simply turning switches ON or OFF. (Includes output switches that allow up to six (6) output levels.)


  • Truly zero nitric acids, the ozone emitted is very sweet smelling.
  • No high voltage.
  • A UV ozone generator's output is virtually unaffected by humidity
  • UV systems also create hydroxyl radicals, however these are only relevant in a non-ozone producing machine as they last for less than a second.
  • Only needs cleaning when tubes accumulate dust.
  • UV systems are the most reliable
  • *Secondary benefit, any air passed though the ozone generator "Super Sterilized" by UVC, B, and A.
  • *Also available are non-ozone producing UVC tubes for air sterilization. Simply remove all 12 ozone producing tubes and replace with 2 UVC tubes.
OCO-6800 Operating Manual.PDF
Warranty: The OCO-6800 is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 6 years from date of purchase. Liability is limited to parts and labor only. Shipping is the sole responsibility of the customer.
Uses: The OCO-6800 is designed for use as a shock treatment tool. Ideal for lift stations, garbage compactors, industrial restoration, auto detailing, etc.
Testimonial: Out of 400 UV machines made to date we have only had 2 ballasts go defective and no other problems at all. That is 5% oall manufactured units.

OCO Booster Fan

The OCO - Booster Fan
The OCO Booster Fan will accompany any OCO Ozone Generator to assist in boosting the outlet power for applications that require extra force. The booster fan can be used with a typical corrugated dryer style hose to generate ozone for several feet or several yards from the generator. Works great for circulating pump stations or any odor problem that requires the generator to ciculate ozone at a distance.

Customer Testimonials

Ecologix received an email from a very satisfied customer on October 25, 2005. The email was sent with these three photographs from Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility. The following is how the email read....

The Ozone Generator that we purchased from you works great so far. The unit was installed at a 550 gpm wet pit lift station. We built our own box to protect it from the elements. The two businesses next to the lift station were complaining about the odor. We tried several modifications. First we raised the vent pipe 12", cycling the pumps more often, we then tried odor controlling liquids, but none of these seemed to work. The OCO-10K Ozone Generator has been in service for three weeks now with out any complaints. We also installed a timer to start and stop (7:00am to 7:00 pm) 7 days a week.

We pride ourselves on receiving this type of success story from our customers, and thought that we would share this one with those of you are considering an OCO-10K Advanced Oxidation Unit for your own application.

Another success story....

The OCO-10K is an Advanced Oxidation System specifically made for Lift Stations / Pump Stations

The residents of Wildwood Apartments near Stone Mountain, GA were being plagued by an odor originating from a lift station. This lift station was located in very close proximity to the apartment complex. The managers of the apartment complex got in touch with Hausler Electric, the maintenance contractor for 80 lift stations in the metro Atlanta area. The president of the company contacted Ecologix asking for a solution to this problem.

We first evaluated the location to better determine the best course of action. We recommended a total solution so that this issue would be resolved quickly. We placed Wind Sleeves to immediately alleviate the problem. Then as a follow up failsafe we chose to place an OCO-10K unit at the lift station to completely eliminate the odor. After our combination solution was implemented we polled the residents living closest to the lift station. All who we spoke to were ecstatic that the odor was gone, even during peak hours. One more success story for Ecologix Environmental Systems, LLC!


Another success story.... Customer Testimonial from Wildwood Apartments near Stone Mountain, Georgia

The residents of Wildwood Apartments near Stone Mountain, GA were being plagued by an odor originating from a lift station. This lift station was located in very close proximity to the apartment complex. The managers of the apartment complex got in touch with Hausler Electric, the maintenance contractor for 80 lift stations in the metro Atlanta area. The president of the company contacted Ecologix asking for a solution to this problem.

We first evaluated the location to better determine the best course of action. We recommended a total solution so that this issue would be resolved quickly. We placed Wind Sleeves to immediately alleviate the problem. Then as a follow up failsafe we chose to place an OCO-10K unit at the lift station to completely eliminate the odor. After our combination solution was implemented we polled the residents living closest to the lift station. All who we spoke to were ecstatic that the odor was gone, even during peak hours. One more success story for Ecologix Environmental Systems, LLC!

Customer Testimonial - Licking County Waste Water Department, Licking County, OH

Licking County Wastewater Department operates several "open" type sewage pump stations.  These pump stations consist of gravity sewage and STEP sewage.  The STEP tank effluent is a septage tank product and creates Hydrogen Sulfide gas with a lot of odor.

The County has always fed Ferrous Chloride in the past for odor control which never worked very well!! The Summer of 2007 I decided to purchase an OCO Ozonator unit.  The installation was very easy.  We used Sch 40 PVC pipe to direct the Ozone flow into the wet well.  The result was remarkable!!!  Odor complaints were regular  by the nearby homeowners.  The complaints have stopped all together and we have discontinued the use of Ferrous Chloride!!  We have purchased a second unit and have installed it in the same fashion at another downstream pump station and it works great also!!!! 

Kevin Eby, Director
Licking County Wastewater, Buckeye Lake, OH

The OCO - 10K will destroy, not just cover-up, the following airborne substances:
  • Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
  • Ammonia
  • Decomposing Organics
  • Urine/Feces
  • VOC's
  • Bacteria, Spores
  • Fungus, Algae, Yeast
  • Mold & Milldew


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