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Odor Control / Odor Neutralizing Granules

Odor absorbing granules simulate the same chemical reaction that essential oils undergo when neutralizing malodors, naturally. They mimic naturally existing oils found in pine.

Ecologix Odor Neutralizing Granules and WindScent Sleeves
Ecologix uses scientific findings of the working of our olfactory system to reduce or eliminate the perception of nuisance odors. With environmentally safe essential oils, Ecologix neutralizes the perception of unpleasant smells without masking, without causing potentially toxic chemical reactions and without the need to handle caustic and volatile chemicals. Odor Neutralizing Granules are small dry pellets containing odor neutralizer that vaporizes at a slow, steady rate. They do not require utilities or equipment.

We first evaluated the location to better determine the best course of action. We recommended a total solution so that this issue would be resolved quickly. We placed WindScent Sleeves to immediately alleviate the problem. Then as a follow up fail-safe, we chose to place an OCO Series Generator unit at the lift station to completely eliminate the odor. After our combination solution was implemented we polled the residents living closest to the lift station. All who we spoke to were ecstatic that the odor was gone, even during peak hours. One more success story for Ecologix Environmental Systems, LLC!

granule image

Success Story
The residents of Wildwood Apartments near Stone Mountain, GA were being plagued by an odor originating from a lift station. As you can see by the photograph on the left this lift station was located in very close proximity to the apartment complex. The managers of the apartment complex got in touch with Hausler Electric, the maintenance contractor for 80 lift stations in the metro Atlanta area. The president of the company contacted Ecologix asking for a solution to this problem

Facts About Granules

  • They are small pellets that vaporize our odor controlling neutralizers at a slow steady rate.
  • They can be used to create a barrier between the public and the malodor(s.)
  • They are heavy enough not to be carried away under normal wind conditions.
  • The granules’ effectiveness intensifies when wet. They do not dissolve.
sleeve image Wind Sleeves

Usage Rates

  • If you use the granules to create a odor controlling barrier between the malodor and the public, put a pound of granules in a pail every 20 feet. It will last a minimum of 90 days.
  • If you sprinkle the granules around malodorous areas, disperse an ounce over 20 feet. It will last a minimum of a year.
  • If you are using granules to neutralize odors in a room, use an ounce for every 270 square feet. It will last a minimum of 90 days.
  • If you apply granules to a garbage container or down a compactor chute, sprinkle 1-2 ounces, weekly, for every 80 cubic yards.
  • If you are sprinkling granules on top of a malodorous area, use one ounce for every 270 square feet. They will last a minimum of 90 days.
*Actual usage rates will vary with the perceived intensity of the malodor.

Various Uses

  • Put in open top perforated pails and let the odor controlling molecule emit into the room or into the outside air
  • Scatter around malodorous areas
  • Sprinkle along the rim of holding tanks
  • Spread on landfills
  • Create a barrier with granules in pails
  • Sprinkle in garbage containers
  • Sprinkle down compactor chutes
  • Sprinkle along the banks of pond or streams
  • Use at any malodorous site
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