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UVX Disinfection System

Bio-Clear Dimensions | Tertiary Filter System | Bio-Clear Design Flow for all Facilities
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Ecologix UVX Series Ultra-Violet Disinfection Systems
The UVX Disinfection System is unique to the Bio-Clear Sewage Treatment System as the disinfection stage of the filtration process. The UVX system uses four UV lamps to disinfect wastewater at flow rates up to 60,000 GPM and six UV lamps to disinfect wastewater up to 100,000 GPM. The Ultra-Violet lamps ultimately penetrate the wastewater stream with a wave length that will eliminate pathogens, microbes and any contaminant in the water.

Sewage and other forms of wastewaters (aquaculture, animal production and human production) have traditionally been considered an undesirable product of society that must be disposed of in the most expeditious way. To protect the environment and public health, US regulations, require the treatment of wastewater to remove its organic composition and disinfection to kill its pathogenic (bacteria, protozoans, and viruses) content before it can be discharged into the environment (rivers, lakes, oceans) or reclaimed for beneficial uses. Historically, chlorine has been the disinfectant of choice. However, continued use of chlorine is now being discouraged for two reasons. First, use, transportation and storage of chlorine are hazardous activities and have resulted in many accidents. Second, use of chlorine has been shown to be detrimental to the health of people and aquatic organisms because of the formation of chlorine by-products which are toxic or are carcinogenic. As a result, there has been search for an alternative disinfectant.

A critical regional water problem is to find a disinfectant which is not only effective but safe for people who handle the system and safe for the environment. A relatively new disinfectant process which does not have the above problems associated with chlorine is the ultraviolet radiation (UV). Its primary advantages include the fact that UV radiation will inactivate all pathogens (UVC - germicidal UV), its use does not result in the formation of carcinogenic by products nor the presence of toxic residue in the treated water. Moreover, UV is generated on site and therefore excludes the dangers associated with the shipment and storage of a dangerous disinfectant. As a result of these properties, ultraviolet light technology has been called the environmentally friendly disinfectant. The effectiveness of UV technology as an effective disinfectant is based on the new lamp configuration design within the disinfection unit.

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