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Activated Carbon
Bag Filtration
Biological Treatment
Chemicals (Specialty)
Lamella Clarifier (LC Series)
Tube Clarifier (TC Series)
Dissolved Air Flotation
Membrane Filtration
Microbial Bacteria
Oil/Water Separators
Pressure Filtration

Flocculation Systems

Flocculation Systems are a highly efficient in removing oils, heavy metals, ink and other contaminants from wastewater. Flocculation refers to the process by which fine particulates are caused to clump together into floc. The floc may then float to the top of the liquid, settle to the bottom of the liquid, or can be readily filtered from the liquid. Flocculation is widely used and applicable in sewage treatment systems, stormwater treatment and treatment of other industrial wastewater streams as well as purification of drinking water.
V-Series DAF Systems
Dissolved Air Flotation Systems
The Ecologix V-Series DAF System is the most efficient DAF System on the market today. Utilizing several unique features to maximize sludge capture our V Series DAF is not only cost effective but extremely low maintenance and versatile.

Prominent Features include:
  • Performance guarantee for your discharge requirements .
  • The cleanest effluent water of any Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF).
  • The lowest ongoing maintenance requirements of any Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) system.
V Series DAF System
Metal Reactor Unit (MRU) / Physical Chemical System
Metal Reactor Unit (MRU)
If your process involves continuous flow, then you need wastewater treatment that can keep up. You'll find just what you need in a Module Series system from Ecologix. Our Module Series systems are based on standardized modular designs - a "building block" approach which enables Ecologix to deliver complete systems quickly and still customize each to meet the requirements of individual customers anywhere.The Module Series is a full line of treatment systems with models that handle continuous flows of 10 gpm all the way up to 400 gpm and more.
Metal Reactor Unit / Phys Chem Treatment system
Economy Flocculation System (EFS-200)
Economy Flocculation System (EFS-200)
The Economy Flocculation System - (EFS-200) is a low price alternative to other wastewater treatment systems available. This unit features a horizontal elliptical tank, rather than the traditional cone bottom tank. This particular model is preferred by those industries that have height restrictions. This model utilizes a 200-gallon reaction tank with two 1/3 hp mixing motors.
Flocculation System EFS 200
Automated Flocculation Systems
Automated Flocculation Systems
These flocculation systems are designed for batch treatment of wastewater. This system uses dry betonite clay mixed with coagulant and flocculant for ease of application. The main components of this system consist of a wasterwater holding tank, mixing motor, indexing table with filter paper, pump and controls. These units are available in Automated Batch Systems (ABS), or
Continuous Flow Systems (CFS)

FDR - FlocClay Feeders
Automated Flocculation System
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