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V-Series Industrial DAF
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Oil/Water Separators
Pressure Filtration

Dissolved Air Flotation Systems

Dissolved Air Flotation Systems (DAF) is a water treatment process that clarifies wastewater through the removal of suspended matter such as oil, greases or solids. The removal is achieved by dissolving air in the water or wastewater under pressure and then releasing the air at atmospheric pressure in a flotation tank or basin. The released air forms tiny bubbles which adhere to the suspended matter causing the suspended matter to float to the surface of the water where it may then be removed by a skimming device. We provide systems to meet the needs of a variety of industries requiring the removal of effluents from their wastewater system. DAF is a highly efficient method for removal of turbidity, color, suspended solids and other contaminants from water. It has become widely accepted for use in potable water treatment, municipal wastewater as well as a variety of industrial applications.
V-Series DAF Systems
Ecologix V Series DAF
The Ecologix V-Series DAF System is the most efficient DAF System on the market today. Utilizing several unique features to maximize sludge capture our V Series DAF is not only cost effective but extremely low maintenance and versatile.
V-Series DAF Systems - Drawings

View DAF Model 409 DrawingsView DAF Model 410 DrawingsView DAF Model 512 DrawingsView DAF Model 617 DrawingsView DAF Model 725 Drawings
View DAF Model 730 DrawingsView DAF Model 735 DrawingsView DAF Model 818 DrawingsView DAF Model 824 DrawingsView DAF Model 830 Drawings
View DAF Model 930 DrawingsView DAF Model 1035 DrawingsView DAF Model 1040 DrawingsView DAF Model 1045 DrawingsView Model 1145 Drawings
Click a model above to view full 3-dimensional views of each DAF model including top, front, rear, left and right elevations.

Below is a selection of Settlement Clarifiers

UP Series Clarifiers
UP Series Clarifier
Ecologix can provide clarifiers that are simple, flexible and extremely effective for removals of metals.

We offer skid mounted fully integrated systems as well as stand alone clarifiers for any project.
Steel Clarifier
Physical Chemical System / Metal Reactor Unit (MRU)
Metal Reactor Unit (MRU)
The Module Series is a full line of treatment systems with models that handle continuous flows of 10 gpm all the way up to 400 gpm and more. Complete systems can be assembled quickly and may also be fully customized to meet your specific requirements.
Physical Chemical System / Metal Reactor Unit (MRU)
WS Series Inclined Plate Clarifier
WS Series 304L Stainless Steel Inclined Plate Clarifier
Ecologix offers a selection of high quality stainless steel clarifier featuring 304L Stainless Steel plate clarifier, tank, fittings and polished 304L stainless steel settling plates.
Steel Clarifier
WLP Series Carbon Steel Clarifier
WLP Series Carbon Clarifier
Ecologix can provide high quality carbon clarifiers in a variety of capacities.
Carbon Clarifier
Bridge Mounted Drive Units
Bridge Mounted Drive Units
Used in industrial, municipal and mining clarifiers and thickeners. A low-speed, high-torque, totally enclosed gear drive with positive overload protection. The drive unit is supported by a bridge completely spanning the tank. The drive unit has a central output shaft to drive the rakes.
Bridge Mounted Drive Units
Bridge Mounted Dual Concentric Output Shaft Drives
Bridge Mounted Dual Concentric Drive Units
Used on solids contact and flocculating clarifiers or softeners in industrial, municipal and mining applications. The Drive unit has two concentric output drive shafts. The Rake drive section is a low-speed, high-torque, totally enclosed gear drive with positive overload protection.
Bridge Mounted Drive Units
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